Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Why Graphic Novels are Great

Graphic Novels! Why?

Graphic novels have been around for years and their popularity continues to surge but, if you're like me, you haven't always seen the draw (pun intended!) While I'm a reading fanatic and enjoy pretty much every genre, I haven't always been a fan of graphic novels. As a teacher I tolerated my students' interest but was always intent on encouraging them to read something else. Then in library school, I was forced to read a few and, guess what? I loved them! Since then I've researched the advantages as well as talked to kids about why they like them. Here's what I've learned.

  Graphic novels are not comics. They have complex plots, characters, themes, and literary devices just like traditional novels. Comics tend to tell one story over several issues while graphic novels follow the plot arc and are told in one book or through a series of stories like traditional literature.

Reading graphic novels is real reading and it is not cheating. Graphic novels are not easier in terms of story complexity. In fact, reading graphic novels can actually deepen comprehension. Instead of skimming past blocks of text, readers tend to slow down and examine the graphics which helps them comprehend the deeper parts of the plot more fully. The graphics in a graphic novel do not replace the text, rather the the story is told through BOTH words and pictures.

Graphic novels make struggling readers feel accomplished. The physical book itself is the same size as other traditional novels but the pictures help the reader decode the story more quickly which can boost their confidence. Being able to decode both pictures and text helps readers who struggle with vocabulary. Readers tend to be more willing to reread graphic novels which helps them internalize more and more complex layers of the plot with each successive read.

If you still have doubts, read a a graphic novel or two! I know you'll be a convert just like me. Here are a few of my favorites:

The Great Pet Escape by Victoria Jamieson
This adorable story is clever and funny!

Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson

This novel is great for addressing friendship issues and learning to be true to yourself.

Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales series by Nathan Hale

This series takes real stories from history and makes them unputdownable (pretty sure I just made that word up!)

Check out these articles if you'd like additional information on the benefits of graphic novels.

5 Great Reasons to Read Graphic Novels

Graphic Novels as a Tool to Improve Literacy: 5 Facts

The Benefits of Graphic Novels

Until next time, keep reading!

Mrs. Wagner

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